I don't photograph sceneries that are simply transpositions of the landscape because this copy-pasted vision of a postcard doesn't suit me. My ambition – or "vision" – is above all artistic and creative.


For this, I must understand and visualize the visual beauty that I have before me before projecting my own feelings on the selected frame and pressing the trigger.

It is sometimes necessary to know how to anticipate by looking for the point of view offering the most appropriate panorama at a given time of day and to be patient...

But Nature always has something to offer. It is these gifts that she gives us that I seek to sublimate during the development phase...

In my opinion, digital photography has one key asset: the development of Raw files.

The development of Raw files, it's a bit much the digital equal of the darkrooms necessary for the development of the films of the silver photography.


It is during this phase that I get hold of the maximum of my photographs, which confers on them the particularity – for the vast majority of them –  of not being subjected to a Photoshop treatment per se. 

From then, they keep all their details, without any loss of visual information. This is a plus if you want to use them as a resource or even if you are considering printing and framing it on the wall.  


However, the primary objective of these photographic post-processing – and by the very limits of the photographer, even if only from a material point of view – is to sublimate each photograph in order to reach the emotion felt during the shooting. It is this emotion that I wish to share.

© Myriam Kieffer
© Myriam Kieffer

Les photographies diffusées sur ce site sont la propriété exclusive de leur auteur. Toute utilisation sans autorisation entraînera des poursuites.


The photographs published on this site are the exclusive property of their author. Any unauthorized use will result in prosecution.